Unlocking High Returns with Foreign Currency Trading With Gillian Irving & Robert Tyrer

Scott Dillingham:

Welcome to the Wisdom Lifestyle Money Show. I'm your host, Scott Dillingham. And today I have 2 guests with us today. We've got Robert who specializes. He's an expert investor in foreign currency trading.

Scott Dillingham:

And then we have Gillian who is a mortgage agent on our team who's leveraged Robert in his services. And we're gonna talk about all this stuff. It's gonna be a super exciting episode because I know as an investor, we're always looking for the next best thing, and I think this is it. So welcome, guys.

Gillian Irving:

Hey. Thanks thanks, Scott. Hey, Rob. Nice to see you.

Robert Tyrer:

Nice to see you as well. Thank you for having me, Scott.

Scott Dillingham:

Yeah. No worries. No worries. So, Rob, every show that I host, I always start with your childhood and how you got to where you are today and what trials, tribulations, things that you learn, that type of thing. So do you mind sharing your story?

Robert Tyrer:

I mean, I haven't gone through many trials and tribulations, but I've had a couple. So we'll start right up the very beginning. I grew up in Niagara Falls. Lived there most of my life. I got my start into the financial world really when I turned 12 and learned about compound interest, that magical 8th wonder of the world.

Robert Tyrer:

But, formally, it got my start in the financial world when I joined TD Canada Trust back in 2006 as a bank teller. I was there for, a little bit. I think it was it was 3 years until I worked my way up to a sales role, and then did a lateral transfer over, the same year to CIBC, where I started as a salesperson and then worked my way up to branch manager role a year and a half later. I'd like to say it was all skill and my brilliance, but, really, it was right place, right time. So I was very lucky in that regard because I was still fairly young.

Robert Tyrer:

I was only 23 at the time and learned a lot, made a few mistakes along the way, but, thankfully, I had a a wonderful boss, the district vice president, who was a very good mentor, in my financial journey. Ended up leaving, CIBC in 2015 because I'd gone to school for accounting, got a couple of diplomas there through Niagara College and Northern College in Northern Ontario, and then headed up a finance department in Moosni, Ontario, children's aid. Did that for a couple of years and realized that I didn't really want to do that anymore because I'd always had this burning desire to use my gift of understanding patterns and numbers, to really help people. Because all throughout my time in banking, I really saw a broken system, that didn't really care about didn't care about people. And I wanted to do something to change that.

Robert Tyrer:

And I've always had a passion for trading start since starting back in 2008 in stocks and then flipping over to current season 2012. But I was never real the problem was I was never really good at it. I was, would say I was terrible at it up until I met my mentor for in 2016. He was based out of South Africa. At the time, he's still there.

Robert Tyrer:

He we're now good friends, and he really taught me a vastly different way of trading. He taught me to get out of the retail mindset, stop focusing on the short term movements and trying to profit from them because where the real money can be made is when you take a step back and take a look at the much bigger picture. The one that the institutions with access to 1,000,000,000 of dollars of capital are looking at where they can really move markets. And then just take trades based off the manipulations. It's as simple as that.

Robert Tyrer:

The pattern that I look for, anyone can learn it. It. Anything can be taught. It's whether someone's willing to receive it and then action it is where the difference is made, and I was one of the ones that actioned it. It took me from the time I met my mentor in 2016 about a year to really get the strategy down to a science and then also master the medical game of trading.

Robert Tyrer:

Because, really, when you're trading, there's a huge psychological component that goes into it. And my friends and family kind of joke with me that I'm an emotional robot. And my not just my work life, but also my personal life. So sometimes I I forget to flip the switch and become that personable guy that actually has feelings. So it's pretty funny when I am actually trading because I don't feel it anymore, but I have been told that I have ice running through my veins, and you have to.

Robert Tyrer:

So once once I got what I wanted to do for people with what I'm good at down, I opened up my company in May of 20 and then started taking on clients around July, August 2021. And we had some initial success with it. And then October, November, and December of 2021, here comes the those losing trades that I was talking about earlier. We had those 3 months for all losing months. We lost it.

Robert Tyrer:

I think, I believe it was a cumulative total of around 8 a half percent or so. But then the following 3 months, made it all back and then some, and we've been cruising ever since. So, I mean, since inception, since the company got going, we've been rocking and rolling with the net, client return of about 10.8% a month compounded. I would love to continue that streak.

Gillian Irving:

Can you say that again? I think you went by that really fast. Is that 10.8% a month? Because people normally Yes. Think that's a year.

Gillian Irving:

Okay. A month. Thank you. Carry on. Yep.

Gillian Irving:

And that's We're gonna come back on that.

Robert Tyrer:

Return. Yeah.

Gillian Irving:


Robert Tyrer:

That's a compounded return, and I I would love to continue that streak, and we have been going pretty well. But like I said, you can't rely on historical data. It can help, with your future, outlook, but it's by no means a guarantee that it's going to continue to happen. I've had months where it's been more, than the 10.8 for clients. I've had months when it's been less.

Robert Tyrer:

So you really get everything in between. But at the heart of all this, I I genuinely love what I do, because at the end of the day, I hate just recently while we have been in New Zealand, I was talking with a a mate of mine, and, he was like, you're a socialist capitalist. I was like, I've never had anyone call me that before, but that makes a lot of sense. Because really what I want to do is while making money is awesome and it allows you to treat the type of person who likes things. You can buy things.

Robert Tyrer:

But I'm my wife and I are more on the experience side of things. We love to have those experiences, and I love to see others succeed as well in their financial at at the very least in their financial world. So I want as the company grows, I want I'm not in it to make a ton of money, but I do get paid well for what I do. But I wanna see us all rise together and really change the landscape of how the traditional system operates and treats people. That's really at the heart of this because it'd be really cool to have BlackRock levels of assets under management.

Robert Tyrer:

Maybe I'll get there one day. Maybe I won't. That's not a concern for me. Where I want what I want to do is be at least a contributor to the change in the traditional system.

Scott Dillingham:

That's super cool. I have some questions. I don't know about you, Gillian. Do you have any questions? Could I start this off and then I'll ask.

Gillian Irving:

Why don't you get started, Scott? Because I've had so much experience already investing in with Rob. So why don't you ask your questions from the beginning, and I'll pipe into you as a client if I can help along the way.

Scott Dillingham:

Yeah. So my first thought for anybody hearing this is I think they're gonna be excited, and they're gonna say that's crazy past returns. Hopefully the future returns will maintain and people I'm sure are going to want to get started. So a couple of thoughts that come to mind is minimum investments. And how long do you recommend or do you have a minimum that an investor keeps their funds locked in?

Scott Dillingham:

So now that's 2 separate questions there, but I'll let you cover those and then there's more.

Robert Tyrer:

Yep. So for the first part, the minimum investment. I have no minimum investment. There is criteria that you have to sit in because I'm a private issuing company at the moment, waiting on the official portfolio manager designation. I'd hoped it would be in place by the end of this year.

Robert Tyrer:

It has not. So we're looking at 2024 for that. If you fall within one of the different exemptions, there's a was there there's a nonprofessional exemption where you have to invest a 150,000 or more into it to qualify under that exemption. Or if you are friends or family or a business associate of anyone that's in the company, You can do business. Eligible investors and accredited investors are accepted.

Robert Tyrer:

The difference there being income and asset levels. With eligible investments eligible investors, you can only invest up to a $100,000 in a 12 month period across all exempt markets. And then obviously, accredited investors, you're a bit more sophisticated, so you're able to invest whatever amount that you want over a 12 month period. And then there's a few other exemptions that I haven't utilized yet but are available, but you can find those on any securities commission websites. Okay.

Robert Tyrer:

And then, minimum investments.

Scott Dillingham:

The links. Yeah. Because you mentioned you look at trends. Right? And then you invest based on that, not necessarily the daily stuff.

Scott Dillingham:

With that being said, some trends take time. So that's why I'm wondering if there's a minimum time that you would recommend.

Robert Tyrer:

Oh, the locked in? No. There is no locked in. You're because at the end of the day, this is the customer's money. They're free to do with it what they please.

Robert Tyrer:

The only thing they can't do is take out more than what they have in their account. And the traditional banks and investment houses brokerages, they have that same rule, funnily enough. So there's no locking in period. Obviously, the longer you have it in there, the the better chance at returns that you have. For an average trade that I do, I'm looking at the charts on a daily basis, but in a month, I'm doing anywhere from 4 to about 8 trades in a month.

Robert Tyrer:

So I'm not actually doing a trade every day because the market you have it, and the market take it away. So I'm only looking for a specific pattern, and if the pattern is not present, there's no trade. But the longer you're in, the better your odds. The shorter you're in, there's still a chance, but you have a much better shot at longer term.

Scott Dillingham:


Gillian Irving:

Right. Can I just jump in for one second here? This is one of the appeals to me as an investor. Investing with Rob is I'm an accredited investor, so I can use other exempt market, facilities to invest, which I do because I'm always looking as a real estate investor and as an investor in general looking for above average returns. But this is what I like about for the people, and Rob, is that your money isn't locked in.

Gillian Irving:

Many of these exempt market issuances are really long term. Like, your money is it does well, but it's locked away for 3 years or 4 years or 5 years or whatever. And so while the return does well, it's completely liquid. Whereas, Rob's, you can take out money however you want. Like, you wanna leave it in for 6 months, that's great.

Gillian Irving:

Doubles in 6 months almost or mine has anyway. And you can take it out or you can take it out monthly if you want. And so it's a real advantage of a program like this because it is completely different from other exempt market things is that it's not locked in. It's amazing.

Scott Dillingham:

Which is super cool. Yeah.

Gillian Irving:

I I Yeah. It is.

Scott Dillingham:

Now question for you, Robert. I know you mentioned the the returns. Is that the compounded return, or is that the monthly that you're getting? And the compounding can be greater if the funds stay invested with you for longer.

Robert Tyrer:

Yes and yes. So the monthly the 10.8 that I I referenced before, that is a monthly figure. So with my trading, how it all works is at the beginning of the month, let's say you have a $100,000 in your account. All of the trades that that I made that I do in that month will be based off of that balance at the beginning of the month. So if I'm risking 1%, I risk $1,000 per trade, and that is $1,000 per trade throughout the month.

Robert Tyrer:

At the end of the month, the account balance resets. And now you have, I don't know, a $110,000 in your account. Then I'll base the risk off of that. So it just keeps going like that. Yes to the monthly compounding, and then, yep.

Robert Tyrer:

It's compounded.

Scott Dillingham:

That's super cool. And we don't have to share the details here, but that's what this is from what Gillian told me, and maybe you'll clarify in case I'm wrong here. But Yep. That the return you're stating, that's what the investor gets after fees. So, technically, the return's even greater, and then you take that.

Scott Dillingham:

So, for somebody listening, it's not that. And then the fees, like, that's after the past.

Robert Tyrer:

Yeah. That is net of fees, that number.

Scott Dillingham:

Yeah. Which is super cool.

Gillian Irving:

Yeah. Super cool.

Robert Tyrer:

The the most the most ridiculous month I ever had was I believe it was September of last year. It was net to the customer. It was, like, 23 point 6%. So in that month, on a gross basis, before fees, it we we had traded over 50% that month alone. That was a fantastic month, and I wish I could replicate that every month because then we'd be growing crazy quick.

Robert Tyrer:

But that's so so far, it's a one off.

Gillian Irving:

Yeah. My best month was 15 15.4%, I think. That's what I got. Yep. That was a great that was a great one.

Scott Dillingham:

Now Yeah. I, like you, we actually used to work for the same bank, the the Red Bank. And, during the same years, actually, I was just a mobile mortgage adviser, and you were probably on their investment side. I know during that time, they opened up, like, the mobile investment specialist. Is that what you were doing?

Robert Tyrer:

No. I have not done that. I was just a regular I think this was the TD phrase, but the the regular financial sales representative.

Scott Dillingham:

Okay. Yeah.

Robert Tyrer:

So mutual fund on that end.

Scott Dillingham:

Yeah. Open the bank accounts, checking accounts, do a couple mortgages a year. Yeah. Yeah. I know that they had the same position at CIBC.

Scott Dillingham:

So cool. No. That's super cool. Now question for you. So one of the things that I was doing when I started at the bank or what got me into it is I would tap into a secured line of credit.

Scott Dillingham:

I would purchase an equity, dividend paying equity, and I use the dividends to pay my monthly line of credit interest, and then the equities grew naturally over time. So is that something that an investor could do with you as well? Right? Give you access to their line of credit funds, let's say. And then are you able to to pay the the profits but keep the initial investment invested?

Robert Tyrer:

Yep. Yeah. As I said before, at the end of the day, this is the customer's money. I just manage it and trade it. They're free to do whatever with it that they please.

Robert Tyrer:

I've had people that have invested me with since since day 1, they've been with me. They haven't taken anything out. I have people that take out monthly. I have people that because of what I do, it's increased their tax bill significantly at the end of the year. So we'll just take out the difference from their investment with me to be able to pay their tax bill.

Robert Tyrer:

So it's very customizable.

Scott Dillingham:

Okay. No. That's super cool. That's awesome. It just makes me wanna get mortgages on all these places I have, like, extra mortgages, and sure you go.

Gillian Irving:

And I should I just wanna interject me too. So oh, sorry. So I feel like sorry. There's a bit of a lag. I've also made investments in Canadian funds and US dollar funds with Rob.

Gillian Irving:

So you don't even care about the currency either. So I feel like there's so many ways of being flexible. 1, you can use different currencies and do a currency play. That one I've let ride, but my Canadian one, I'm gonna take out money monthly. So there's just so much there's so much flexibility.

Gillian Irving:

And, by the way, the the the Canadian funds that I took out, I did that on my line of credit. So I fully are I'm gonna do a sort of a rate arbitration. You're gonna pay me likely pay me. I know it's not a guaranteed rate of return, but in a month, what I'm expected to pay in a year for my my credit. So it makes sense.

Robert Tyrer:

We'll we'll clear that off in a year.

Scott Dillingham:

That's super cool.

Robert Tyrer:

It's important when we're talking about lending to invest that borrowing to invest is a bit riskier, than traditionally taking your liquid investments. But it's, I just feel like we need to get that out to to, make sure that our bases are covered.

Gillian Irving:

Yeah. For sure. For sure.

Scott Dillingham:

Yeah. And we're working with real estate investors all day. They are used to leveraging to invest. But you're right. I'm glad you threw out a little disclaimer there because we don't know who's gonna listen to this.

Scott Dillingham:


Gillian Irving:

Yeah. And I'd say one other question I get a lot when I talk to people, Rob. They wanna know if if they can invest their registered funds with you. Everyone's, I wanna put my TFSA with Rob. Is that possible?

Robert Tyrer:

It is not at the present time. That's something that I've been against. I'm opening up more to the idea simply because from my time in banking, when you're dealing with registered funds, the government the banks don't tell you this. It's buried in the fine print. But the governments can actually go in and take those funds whenever they please in times of emergency and give you an IOU.

Robert Tyrer:

So it's potentially shooting myself in the foot, but the idea behind the company of serving people, I'm playing with the idea of setting being able to set up registered funds. So to directly answer your question, not at the current time. In the future, it may happen.

Scott Dillingham:

Yeah. If you do, let me know because I have I don't even know if this would open up. But if you're doing registered funds, I have a lira from my pension when I worked at the bank. And, where it's invested, it's very limited. So I wanna actually transfer out of there so I can invest in different things.

Scott Dillingham:

But if we could do that, yeah, I'll just give you the whole

Robert Tyrer:

Well, I've had I have invested technically, I've invested registered funds for a customer. However, what they did was they took the money fully out of their RSPs and then invested with me. And despite the withholding tax and the I think they were down around 10 or 12%, on their investments, through the bank. I made that all back for them within 8 months. Super cool.

Robert Tyrer:

They paid their tax bill, as well as recovered the loss that they had incurred.

Scott Dillingham:

Yeah. So just just saying for me, it's an we're not gonna talk all the time. But if it comes up and you're doing it, reach out. I've got a sizable amount in there, and I will just do whatever I have to do to transfer it to this. Because

Robert Tyrer:

I people will be made that. I will let people know what if and when that happens.

Scott Dillingham:

Okay. Now we generally keep these short. So I don't know if you had any other questions, Gillian, but if not, what I'd like to do is hear from Robert on how somebody who's listening to this can get in touch with them. So did did you have a last question there?

Gillian Irving:

I have one last final question because, honestly, when I tell people about my investments with Rob, I've been with investing for 7 months now, so I see the returns every single the catch. Like, what am I missing? What is the catch here? Because most people, and and I'm one of them too. If something is too good to be true, it probably is.

Gillian Irving:

So I just want you to just take a minute to explain why there's actually no catch and why and how you're able to get these returns just on a super high level to just reassure people that it's really it's there's no smoke mirrors. It's just it's it's just a simple it's a simple trading, really.

Robert Tyrer:

For sure. The and and I get this question a lot because I am providing returns that people are not used to. Most people aren't used to. There are some that have seen it before. But in one word, transparency is the answer for that.

Robert Tyrer:

If someone, be it a prospective client or a current client, wants to hop on a call with me, I can show them, exactly how I do what I do. I can show them the live analysis. If the pattern I look for is present, I can show them the live trade too. It's really as I said before, I think we started recording. I'm an open book.

Robert Tyrer:

You can contact me about anything. I never want there to be any guesswork whatsoever because trying to make a name for myself in this business doing what I do, I'm already going in uphill in the winter time on a slope of ice without ice pick shoes. So the more I can be transparent about things, the better it's going to be in the long run. As far as the trading aspect goes, like I talked about earlier with the way that my mentor trained me to look at the much higher time frames. With those kind of with that kind of time frame and the institutions pumping in 1,000,000,000 of dollars in liquidity into the different currency assets that are out there.

Robert Tyrer:

Those can move huge numbers. And when you use proper risk management, I refer to that 1%. The typical trade on a I'm looking at the 4 hour and the daily time frame charts. The typical trade there can move between 316 to 1, return. I target 3 to 1 as a base level.

Robert Tyrer:

Sometimes the the trades will be smaller. Like, I had to trade this month where the target was a 3 to 1 return. Once it got about 2a half to 1 return, I'd set my stop loss to a 2 to breakeven at 2 to 1 so that I knew I was going to make no less than 2% on that trade. It ultimately did hit the stop loss on that, but with even though it hit my stop loss, I made 2% on the trade. So we're we're all good.

Robert Tyrer:

So I go about it in a very safe way. Whenever I go into a trade, I know exactly where I'm going to enter. I know exactly where I'm gonna get stopped out if my theory goes against me, and I know exactly where I wanna take profit. So I have a plan ahead of time even before I'm in the trade.

Scott Dillingham:

Super cool. I And

Robert Tyrer:

and sorry. As far as contacting me, you can reach out to me, robert, at for the people fx.com. Can I say my phone number?

Scott Dillingham:

If you want to, yeah. Absolutely.

Robert Tyrer:

Sure. Get it. Yeah. So 905-246-9907. We're working on getting the website back up online because we had a few regulatory things that we had to change on the website.

Robert Tyrer:

So I wanted to make absolutely certain that I'm not going against any securities commissions because I'm in this for the long haul and not the short haul. So we're gonna be getting that back up shortly.

Scott Dillingham:

Perfect. No. That's awesome. And we'll make sure in the show notes as well, we put your email there and the phone number. So if anybody's in their car, don't worry about writing that down.

Scott Dillingham:

It will be in the notes for you to reference when you're safe to do so. But no. Awesome. I'm really appreciative that you came on, Robert. Thank you as well, Gillian.

Scott Dillingham:

And, I think this is an incredible opportunity for somebody just looking for something different.

Gillian Irving:

Mhmm. It's great.

Robert Tyrer:

Yeah. Thank you for having, me. I appreciate you, you taking my time out to, have the call with me.

Scott Dillingham:

You're welcome.

Gillian Irving:

Thank you guys. Thanks.

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