RV & Cabin Resort Rentals With Paul McAllister & Darvin Zurfluh

Paul McAllister:

Hello, everyone. Welcome to another edition of the Wisdom Lifestyle Money Show. Today, ladies and gentlemen, we have a special guest today. We are honored to have a distinguished guest, Darvin Zervlu, a seasoned entrepreneur, founder, and CEO of Pinnacle of sorry. Pinnacle Wealth Brokers, a national exempt market dealer spanning from Nova Scotia to British Columbia.

Paul McAllister:

Darvin is not only the at the helm of Pinnacle Wealth Brokers, but also the CEO of Pinnacle Lifestyles, which are which we are learning about today. He is also the founder and the director of Pinnacle 2020 Foundation, giving back to those in need. With over 2 decades of experience in investments in real estate, Darwin has earned numerous accolades and designations, including the prestigious title of fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute, the highest honor in the financial services industry. His dedication to financial planning is underscored by his certification as a financial management adviser, a certified financial planner, and a registered financial consultant. Darvin's journey in the financial world began in 1997 in the banking industry where he dealt with investments, loans, and mutual funds.

Paul McAllister:

Over the years, he became the top Canadian senior financial producer for a large financial firm. However, it was his passion for searching for alternative investments that truly set him apart. A pioneer in the industry, I'd like to welcome you, Darwin. Thank you for joining us on the show.

Darvin Zurfluh:

Thanks, Paul. Pleasure to be here.

Paul McAllister:

Yeah. So when I was doing my research, and I was like, wow. I have to that was probably the biggest interview I've ever given somebody because I I it was so long in the research. I had to make sure I hit

Darvin Zurfluh:

it on point. Yeah. So it

Paul McAllister:

was a big bio. So you've been in the industry a long time. I guess just start with, I guess, your your what does your company do? Is it Pinnacle Lifestyles?

Darvin Zurfluh:

Pinnacle Lifestyles is what we're gonna talk about today. We're a RV and cabin resort business. And so we, we focus on really the camping sector, includes glamping and cabins focused primarily in British Columbia for some of the fundamentals that we saw from an investment opportunity in the British Columbia region. So it's it's a business where we buy campgrounds in world class destinations focused in the Rocky Mountains. We really like it around the TransCanada Highway, so it's easy and accessible for those whether you're coming from, Calgary or Vancouver.

Darvin Zurfluh:

And we have, another property that's in the Kootenay's, which is, you know, different roads, but in between Calgary and Vancouver as well. You know, lakefront properties and mountain properties are some of the most attractive for those that love to spend time in the outdoors And, also from an investment standpoint, you know, being on a waterfront and and being in the Rocky Mountains seem to, do well year over year if you look back over the last few decades. So that's where our our focus is, and and we're the fastest growing brand in the in the cabin and RV sector in Western Canada currently.

Paul McAllister:

So I the viewers the some of the listeners won't see it, but, there's 3 beautiful pictures in front of me now. So these are actual land that you've purchased and developed, or are these ones that you've actually purchased after developed? Like, how does it work?

Darvin Zurfluh:

We do, all all of the above. The top picture, if you can see it, is, very old, over a 60 year old White Lake Fishing Retreat in the Shoe Shwops, part of the North Okanagan. And it's got a 50 boat slip marina on it, and it's a small RV and cabin resort. One of the top 3 fishing lakes in British Columbia. And so that one didn't have development.

Darvin Zurfluh:

We bought that one for cash flow, had very strong, cash flow and just a very nice, kind of a legacy asset, where it's not so easy to get, permits to do, development, that close to the water or to have a marina or, in this case, we also have a gas station and and a boat launch on the lake. So, when we see opportunities and assets like that on a beautiful pristine lake, we like to get on those, but no development is currently happening on that property. And then when you look at the one below, that's Kokanee Springs. So that's in the Kootenay's. That's Crawford Bay, which is one of the bays on the big Kootenay Lake.

Darvin Zurfluh:

And and again, it was well over 50 years old. It was a golf resort. And in talking with, a group of the prior owners that owned it for the last 30 years, they actually approached us and said, we think the pinnacle lifestyle's, rolling out what you do with your cabins and RVs would really add a lot of value to, like, the Kopeni Springs, resort. So it has a lodge of 62 rooms. It has, you know, a restaurant and it has some villas on it and then staff accommodation and and just a really beautiful 18 hole, golf course as you can, you know, see in the picture.

Darvin Zurfluh:

It's just one of the nicest courses I've ever stepped foot on, and we have 432 acres there. So there's a lot of room for development. So for us, we probably have about 8 years of developing extra amenities to make it a, you know, a full resort for families and people that like golf and that don't like golf, and and then putting on about 300 RV and cabin lots of which we have now 72 lots on there. We're gonna continue to develop in the years to come. And then the bottom's just a part of, the property we have by Golden.

Darvin Zurfluh:

So we got 200 acres untouched. It's just really treed land and we're putting in people went camping there before, but just dry land camping. So we're putting in full service campground and a glamping section on that property. We, you know, we have other other pictures kind of on our social media and our website, but it, has the Columbia River kind of going around it and the Wait a bit Creek and then some world class, fishing and fly fishing operates out of that property. And across from it, some of the best sledding and snowmobiling in in North America.

Darvin Zurfluh:

And, and of course, you know, kicking horse mountain resort for the summer and winter. So mountain biking or skiing. So it's a quite quite the destination for outgo, outgo, avid, you know, athletes and, people that just wanna bird watch and and just enjoy the mountains.

Paul McAllister:

Wow. So that's pretty impressive. So I've been very I feel like I've been to all those places. I used to work in Fort McMurray at one point in time, and a lot of our play was actually in in these areas. I've done the house boating on Shuswaffe

Darvin Zurfluh:


Paul McAllister:

And I've done the golden trips, and, yeah, this looks really amazing. So I guess my question is when you you it seems like your company is kinda really has to be diverse to be able to, 1, develop, and then management of these things seems to be so are you guys special are you guys doing the management in house, or do you have to hire out? Or how does the management of, you know, the golf course, the the 432 Acres, that's the second one there. Like, how is that where is that your company? Like, do you have individuals in your company, or do you hire that out, or how does that structure?

Darvin Zurfluh:

Yeah. I know it becomes quite the operation when you add it all together. We were lucky that we had really good managers at the golf resort because, yeah, we have over 70 staff there when we're in peak season and, we're able to keep most of the staff that, the resort had. Their manager had been there now for just over a decade. And, yeah, we keep the managers at the resorts where, where they, we can and, you know, where they're working out and they wish to stay.

Darvin Zurfluh:

And then, of course, we recruit and train for those spots we need to fill. But at head office, we operate for all of our campgrounds. We have 7 in total. I talked about 3, which is in a current fund that we have, but we have 7 properties and we do the marketing centralized from a Calgary head office, and we do the accounting as well centralized. And then our human resources and our recruiting is all centralized.

Darvin Zurfluh:

And and then we have a couple other executives that oversee, like, the operational and training part of it and then development. And then we have another component of the business where it's not just nightly sites. It's also we sell some sites, and so you can own a site in the resort. And and then when you're not using it, we have a management company that'll help rent that out for people that want to, you know, find income from their development to their property that they purchase.

Paul McAllister:

So I guess a lot of the investors here are real estate investors and investors in general. How are some ways that they can get involved in so I know you have a fund, so would they be investing into a fund? Would that be 1? I know that's one way I would assume you can elaborate on that. And then also, purchasing properties of these 7, where can they actually purchase properties within can you elaborate more on exactly how does it look like if I'm an investor and I wanna invest in one of these places?

Paul McAllister:

One, my entry cost. 2, like, how does so you're gonna manage it for me. What does that look like?

Darvin Zurfluh:

Mhmm. For investors, we really just have the one off, option that we focus on and that's investing in the fund that's on the screen. It's Pinnacle Lifestyles, Fund 3 Incorporated. That's an RRSP eligible fund for accredited investors. And our timeframe on there is about up to an 8 year terms.

Darvin Zurfluh:

It's a longer fund. You can, you know, invest in TFSA or it's fairly tax efficient too for your investing with cash. And that's where we, we focus on for investors. Now if you wanted to, buy, a campsite or RV site, we're really just focusing on that for for the owners. But like I said, we we will have a rental management company, and, and then we rent it out.

Darvin Zurfluh:

And we have a a technology online booking system, so we'll do the booking and the reservation and check people in, have people on-site. And, of course, if you're renting out an RV or a cabin, you know, we clean those and then and, you know, just do all the marketing to try and keep them busy for those folks. But but our focus there is for people that wanna own and and have it for at least for a a good part of personal use as their primary objective. Because if you're looking for an investment, going into a fund 3 would be the better option for returns.

Paul McAllister:

So you mentioned is it so somebody looking to go into fund 3, it's a longer term investment they would be looking at, you said, 8 years?

Darvin Zurfluh:

Yeah. 8 year term. We give liquidity options after 4 years. And right now, we're developing and adding new sites. So we're reinvesting into the property.

Darvin Zurfluh:

So there's no cash flow. We're offering some non taxable stock dividends to reward people who are in early in the fund. But, yeah, after 4 years, we'll have enough sales from RV and cabin sites to start redeeming people that wish to redeem, but the cash flow, should look quite attractive by then. Yeah. We wish to hold the property until we sold about half of the RV and cabin sites in our portfolio.

Darvin Zurfluh:

And we intend to keep the other half just for, cash flow because that way people can get their money back plus some profits and then have ongoing cash flow, not just from the RV and cabin site rentals, but from the management company, from the the stores, we have stores on-site, or the restaurant or the green fees, the boat rentals, or the marina. So you get a piece of everything when you invest in fund 3. Everybody's class a common shares, but they have the same shares that, you know, that I bought when when we acquired our first properties. And, you know, that's kind of the the legal structure. We have independent directors on that fund, and and then we have a big investment by, you know, myself and and the other directors other than our one who's completely independent who isn't able to invest in the fund because he's just there to kind of oversee, you know, the activities of the fund for investors.

Paul McAllister:

K. So what would an investor so say I invested or I was going to invest. So what kind of projections would I be looking at over those 8 years or, like that'd be my first question.

Darvin Zurfluh:

Yeah. I mean, just because we're selling it through a registered dealer, we don't really give act no actual percentage rate of returns, but we we say we have a targeted rate of return of 12 to 16%. And our goal is to is to return your capital in about 4 years from today and then get excess distributions for more cabin and RV lot sales. And, our goal after we sell all of the RV and cabin sites, like the half of the portfolio is still, you know, a low double digit return, like 10 to 12, percent on an ongoing basis. And, of course, the asset values, we we hope to, continue to increase over time.

Darvin Zurfluh:

And then when you when we sell the portfolio or, someone sells the fund, we consider to be a cap on top of, distributions we sent out.

Paul McAllister:

So then for what about barrier to entry? How much would it cost? What would be the initial is there a minimum?

Darvin Zurfluh:

Yeah. We

Paul McAllister:

is there a maximum?

Darvin Zurfluh:

We yeah. We've we've set the minimum of $25,000 and we're currently raising up to $8,000,000 for which is the development of our golden, campground, putting in the the services, roads, and, you know, septic and electrical. That would be our maximum for 2024 is a $8,000,000 raise.

Paul McAllister:

Mhmm. And then is there for the gold and, like, you're splitting in those roads, is it are you guys managing construction? Are you tendering the package out, or do you have, like, how do you how does that work in terms of developing, such a thing like the septics and the roads?

Darvin Zurfluh:

Yeah. We work we work with we have an in house planner and we have an external planner. And then so we do all of the engineering, all the studies, whether it's environmental, steep Creek studies, and so geotech, and then and then we do tender for the construction of the roads. And so that that part all gets usually to local companies that that focus on that. So we have people bidding for doing the roads and then doing the septic system and the water treatment facility.

Paul McAllister:

And so if I'm I'm an investor, what kind of details or or and frequency do you provide on a normal basis? And then on, I guess, on a project like that, what kind of visibility do they get for, say, the development of the Golden Project?

Darvin Zurfluh:

Yeah. We encourage people to come actually check out all of our properties. We provide a concierge level service for people who wanna come do a a tour of of, you know, 1, 2, or up to 7 of our our properties. And then we report semi annually to our investors where we give them updates on the construction, on the bookings, the revenues, and then, we do an annual general meeting as well and provide, our our financial statements to all investors and then, allow them to, vote on any anything if there's any, kind of, changes or things to vote on. So, yeah, we communicate a fair bit with our investors, and they encourage them to be involved with the development, share their ideas as

Paul McAllister:

well. Yeah. It's really cool. It's really cool that you can invest in something and you can actually go touch it. Yeah.

Paul McAllister:

In several different places and expanding. And I rather I personally wanna go something to my wife might is kinda listening. Yeah. I personally wanna go see these places. You can just buy these pictures, you know, I've experienced it and it looks really amazing for you to have 7 different ones.

Paul McAllister:

It's really cool. Do you have excuse me? Do you have some kind of package say? I were just like for somebody just going to visit before they were going to invest. Yeah, like how would you?

Paul McAllister:

How would I go about saying? Okay. I wanna go visit some of these places. I'm thinking about investing is that something that you can I go and stay at these places, or how does that look like?

Darvin Zurfluh:

Yeah. Absolutely. First of all, we have a full a detailed term sheet with all the terms of the offering. It includes a a USA, so there's unanimous shareholder agreement, with all the investor, rates in there. But it has a lot of detail about how the investment works.

Darvin Zurfluh:

And then if you go onto our website at pinnacle lifestyles.ca, then you can see the resorts. And from there, each of them have their own web page as well, and you can click on the different resorts. And then we would communicate where you wanna go, when you wanna go, and set up some some stays. So we do provide, a discount to our people that are interested in investing, and they're just going on a tour to learn what's on the property and meet the managers and see how the operation works.

Paul McAllister:

Really cool. Is there anything what else should we be touching on here for thinking about the audience as an investor? What else should an investor be considering or know about this investment?

Darvin Zurfluh:

Yeah. Since most of the listeners here are pretty real estate investors, I think just something to consider is diversifying in a different sector. I mean, you know, you know, a lot of people live in apartment buildings, about a third of Canadian households live in apartments, and so we invest in REITs. And, you know, it's a really good asset class, that's, being driven up by, you know, immigration and population growth. And then camping similar is almost a third of Canadians go camping on a regular basis.

Darvin Zurfluh:

And it's a fast growing sector. There's been a record RV sales over the last 5 years. It's one of the reasons we choose British Columbia is because of how many RVs there are compared to how many RV sites there are to go plug them in. So if you wanna do this on your own and you're investing, just look at the stats, do your research on the marketplace. In British Columbia, there's 20 RVs for every full service hookup there is to plug an RV into.

Darvin Zurfluh:

And, you know, supply and demand there is a little bit out of balance more so than anywhere else we've been able to find. So for example, in Ontario, you would have about 6 RVs for every full service hookup. In Quebec, you'd have about 7 RVs for every full service hookup. In in Alberta, there's about 19 RVs. You know, Alberta is a very strong market and then BC is the strongest market that that we have seen.

Darvin Zurfluh:

Yeah. I would say, do your homework and research and and make sure you're you're you're investing in, in places that will do well kind of in all environments and really stand the test of time. And which is why we focus, you know, in the mountains, in the Rocky Mountains. People aren't gonna get bored of that. Right?

Darvin Zurfluh:

If you look at

Paul McAllister:


Darvin Zurfluh:

Lakefront or, you know, somewhere where you can do outdoor activities and focus on places where nature's your amenity. Of course, we had lots of different amenities for conveniences, but when people come to your resort because of the the trails or the fishing or the lake, You know, those amenities will always be there, and they don't cost you a lot. So if you look at longevity from an investment standpoint, you gotta make sure you you got enough cash flow coming in to always make it attractive and and keep your amenities looking good.

Paul McAllister:

So you said 5 years you've seen the uptick like so before COVID, I'm assuming you're already on the up. And then how did COVID, I guess, impact impact the business and the fund?

Darvin Zurfluh:

Yeah. There was a couple different ways. One is people were cooped up for a long time as you know, and they're like they just wanted to get out and go do something, and they felt safe being outside. They felt safe being on camping. And the demand did shoot up.

Darvin Zurfluh:

Although our research shows that it was shooting up really for a decade prior to that. The growth in the sector was very strong, but then we had a bit of a slowdown on a few p d's that we had recently purchased because British Columbia government wouldn't allow you to travel in between. You had 3 different regions in British Columbia you could travel to, And so there was a lot of restrictions on travel for a couple of months, and then they, they released that. And then and then, of course, we saw record numbers in the amount of rentals that we've had, and and the numbers have held strong. Last summer was a little bit kinda slowed down from the peak of the summer before, but probably stronger than any other year in history for the sites that we have anyways.

Darvin Zurfluh:

And so we do see it as a continual trend. The rates for camping are, are going up significantly, and and we treat it kinda like you would in a hotel where we get to 70, 75% occupancy, and then the rates start to go up. And when you're, you know, 90% occupancy, you're paying more of a much more of a premium. So you can be, you know, $79 a site. And then July long weekend, it might be a $119 for an RV site.

Darvin Zurfluh:

But, yeah, people are used to paying a little bit more now for some of the nicer resorts.

Paul McAllister:

And do you see the what about climate? Is climate changed over is climate changes being an impact at all in in terms of extending seasons or shorting seasons or anything like that to note I guess in your in kind of the business?

Darvin Zurfluh:

Yeah. I mean, extreme weather patterns could, have basically unforeseen changes to the amount of nights that we can book, right, for rentals. And so when there's fires, like last summer, there was about a week where a lot of our customers wanted to to go home or or or get away from smoke, and then and we would give them credits to come back at a different time. You know, that was probably the worst fire year, and so we were lucky that nothing, really impacted us other than, you know, I think about 5 or 6 days of of kind of heavier smoke and and some other days of lighter smoke. A lot of people choose to stay because when that happened, there was smoke almost everywhere.

Darvin Zurfluh:

They could go home and it would be the same. But, yeah, that's climate change is is a potential, risk for sure. Longer season, so, is becoming popular in camping, especially people like the ski bums. They like to or the or the sledders. They like to come out for weekends, and use, campsite, stay in an RV because they're spending all their time outside anyways.

Darvin Zurfluh:

You know? And and, of course, just just cabin rentals do well in that time. So we're building kinda to suit wherever the demand is. We put in the services, and it's similar for a a cabin or an RV site. Just different sizes of, lots, and so we try and cater to to to where the demand is.

Darvin Zurfluh:

Another thing

Paul McAllister:

So Go

Darvin Zurfluh:

Go ahead. Another thing to note was last Friday was when Parks Canada opened up for their campsites, and it was 8 AM mountain time in Alberta when it released. And so we had our head office trying to book and see where we can book because it's it is such a challenge, like I was saying, especially if you're looking to book around in the Rocky Mountains. If you were on there and all ready to go prior to it opening, on average, you still had about 19 to 20000 people in line ahead of you. We had one of our guys lower than that and most of our people over that.

Darvin Zurfluh:

And a lot of people just weren't able to book the sites that they wanted to book with Parks Canada. And so the reason that people go there is because they have, you know, Banff National Park or Jasper National Park, some of the ones that you might wanna get into the most. But it's become almost like a lottery where, you know, you feel you really won something big if you actually get to go to, one of those national parks that you wanna go do because, most people just won't be able to get a a fully serviced site in in one of the national parks even if you're even if you're on there in that first minute. But now they'd be booked up a few days later. That drives traffic to the private campgrounds after that.

Darvin Zurfluh:

And, of course, people have to be paying, you know, a higher rate because the the government wants through Parks Canada are subsidized, you know, through tax dollars.

Paul McAllister:

Makes sense totally. So I feel like so you have lodges, I guess, on these sites, but what if I were do you have any partnerships in terms of if I were coming there from Ontario, I wanted to rent an RV? Do you have any kind of discounts or partnerships you have with anybody? Any kind of RV rental places that could come to your sites or anything like that?

Darvin Zurfluh:

We are working on some. We don't really have anything formally launched, but there's a couple of RV sellers that we allow their their people to buy an RV to come with a discount. Come try one of our resorts just so that they get exposure to a Pinnacle Lifestyles Resort. And we're there's some that do RV tours and and they rent out, you know, motor homes, and they have groups doing tours. And so we're starting to work on planning some tours so they can stop at multiple lifestyle properties.

Paul McAllister:

That's really cool. Yeah. So I have a friend who did that last year. There's 3 families. They rented different RVs, and then they just traveled actually from Calgary all the way up through Banff Lake Louise Golden area.

Paul McAllister:

So I just thought I'd ask that question for myself. Yeah. Sound something cool. Like, I I'm interested in doing that.

Darvin Zurfluh:

Yeah. It creates memories, a lot of fun to do with, you know, family and friends and get out and enjoy some of the the beautiful summer weather that we have in the mountains.

Paul McAllister:

Yeah. For sure. I think it's something that so do you notice that you your repeat business, do you track kind of your repeat business of people coming back year over year? I'm sure that there must be people who just fell in love with some of these sites. Repeat business must be something that you're doing well on.

Darvin Zurfluh:

Yeah. We're really, focusing on the rebooking now. Last summer, we started a rebook campaign where we we allow people to continue to have their same site for the next year if they wanna book it, before they leave or we give them 5 days after to book their site. And so, a lot of people, a lot of the sites we have, especially in our smaller campgrounds, like the one I showed you at White Lake, a lot of those people are seasonal since most of White Lake is already full from the same people that were there last summer. You're right.

Darvin Zurfluh:

Lots of people just wanna lock in their site. If they fall in love with the place, they wanna know that they can have it, you know, for the years to come. And people are worried about losing it, you know. If they don't rebook it and somebody else gets it, it might be where they get back in. Yeah, repeat this.

Paul McAllister:

And so trying to understand your clientele even more are these do you find that a lot of your sites are booked for the whole, like, season? Is this is it common for the whole season to be booked?

Darvin Zurfluh:

But yes. So the White Lake example, which is the top picture, if people can see it, is that we have about I think it's 38 seasonal sites, and those are booked for the whole season by the same people. And then we have some sites and some small cabins that are nightly. And and so it depends on our resort. So we're doing a combination of, like I said, ownership if people wanna buy, seasonals, and then we do, week weekly or nightly.

Darvin Zurfluh:

And so we have a a big mix mixture of it. Some people wanna go to different places all the time, and, you know, that's, you know, that's a lifestyle choice that that they make and they wanna go have different experiences. And so we wanna keep that availability at all of our resorts just so, people can can go around. And we we're thinking of doing a a membership, program. So that would allow people to get in first if they have a membership, and so we'll give them opportunities to go site to site.

Darvin Zurfluh:

Because if you don't have your own site and you want a predictability, then, no, you can book, you know, in July August when it's hard to get in. We wanna offer that to our members.

Paul McAllister:

That's really cool. And then do you have do do people who own those sites, do they is there any, like, Airbnb stuff, or how are they booking owners who may not be staying there? Do they have any way I think you mentioned it earlier about you might manage something for bookings, or how does that work? Yeah.

Darvin Zurfluh:

We have a management company, so we take care of all of that. And we choose to do it, internally because it's within our resort and so our brands attached to it. Whereas if it's a, you know, Airbnb, then we lose a little bit of control over the standard. Right? We wanna I mean, we're managing it.

Darvin Zurfluh:

We're doing the check ins. We're providing, you know, a standard. If you have a cabin or an RV, we wanna have consistency in in the linens, in the plates, in the pillows. Right? Just to have a consistent level of experience when people rent from one site, then they go to another Pinnacle Lifestyles Resort.

Darvin Zurfluh:

We wanna have that same level, of experience, so we handle all that internally.

Paul McAllister:

So then the main thing is if you're an investor, you own one of these sites, and you're not gonna be there, you can still make some cash flow when you're not there and just allowing you to manage it. That was the main one I think I wanted to answer.

Darvin Zurfluh:

Exactly. That's right.

Paul McAllister:

Cool. So I guess we're getting close to wrapping up, but so Pinnacle Lifestyles Family Resort. So how long have you been around? Yeah. How long have you been around?

Darvin Zurfluh:

I forgot we just opened our 1st campground. We purchased it and and and end of 2019. So 2020 was our 1st operational season. And like I said, buying existing campgrounds. And so, yeah, we're we're going on to year 4 now.

Darvin Zurfluh:

And Year 47 sites going on to 8. Yeah. We're focused on on developing, like, the 2, the Golden and the Kokanee Springs. We got 700 lots potential just on those two properties to develop. And between marketing and sales and then building a membership program, that's really gonna be our focus here for for the next couple of years.

Paul McAllister:

And then how many total acres I know that you said to 432. I remember how many total acres do you guys, own?

Darvin Zurfluh:

It's a boat

Paul McAllister:

more or less.

Darvin Zurfluh:

Yeah. It's about 9 30 acres in total between the seven properties.

Paul McAllister:

It's pretty impressive in 4 years. That's very impressive. So you're averaging, you know, you're growing very fast. So 4 4 years, 7 properties, 930 Acres. So I guess what does the future look like for Pinnacle?

Paul McAllister:

I know that you said you're developing the, you know, the 2 that you had mentioned. You're getting the membership program. What does the next, say, 5 years look like on top of that for Pinnacle Lifestyles?

Darvin Zurfluh:

Yeah. The the we take it day by day. We're focused on, like I said, the assets that we have today. We've had a lot of interested campground owners come to us and say, hey, would we look at purchasing their purchasing their property or partnering with them? We're not we're not making any kind of commitment for more acquisitions or growth right now because we do have we we see more opportunity to build campgrounds within the property that we have, right, which is really phase 2, phase 3, phase 4, then acquiring others.

Darvin Zurfluh:

But I do believe at some point in the next, few years, we'll look at growing again. And, once we get these ones really, really operating the way we wanna see, we'll be looking at at some other destinations and expanding the portfolio.

Paul McAllister:

It's really cool. So I guess my last question is if I'm an investor, I've just listened to this, where's the best place? I know you've mentioned the website. Where's the best place? What's the best place to, get in contact and get more information?

Darvin Zurfluh:

Yeah. Pinnacle, lifestyles. Ca. And you can go to each of the the sites from there. We're on Instagram and Facebook as well, so you can get a bunch of great pictures of the resorts and see what they're like on each site.

Darvin Zurfluh:

And then I can provide my contact information and and leave it here as well.

Paul McAllister:

Perfect. So we will we'll put the in the description of the video, which will go on the YouTube. We'll have it your just your contact information there for sure. And if you're listening, you can also go on to the Wisdom Lifestyle Money Show on YouTube and also, you know, get the contact there. But I think going to the website is the easiest.

Paul McAllister:

Plus, Darwin, I would really appreciate you I really appreciate you joining. Is there anything else you wanna close with? I'll leave it to you.

Darvin Zurfluh:

Thanks, Paul. It was a yeah. It was a pleasure to be invited on to, you know, the Wisdom Lifestyle Money Show and get to get to talk to your audience. And, yeah, I'd be happy to talk to more people and invite people to learn more about investing in a different sector.

Paul McAllister:

Yeah. It's really cool. I know a lot of real estate investors, and I mean, depending where you're at, you're gonna have to diversify and it's pretty cool to date. You know, we get into real estate investing for lifestyle, and this is a great investment into, like, in terms of something that is growing rapidly, but also the lifestyle aspect of it is something that really intrigues me. Because I can imagine myself at these three pictures that I'm looking at right now, and it would be really cool that it's an investment that I'm going to and turning that into a write off of some kind.

Darvin Zurfluh:

Yeah. So Awesome.

Paul McAllister:

For joining, and thank you for listening. Until the next time, next episode. Cheers.

Darvin Zurfluh:

Alright. Thanks, everyone. Bye bye.

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