Multiple Ways To Use Leverage To Grow Your Net Worth

In this episode, the Scott Dillingham discusses multiple ways to use leverage to grow your net worth and purchase investments. Scott covers strategies such as using credit cards, getting a gift from a family member, refinancing your home, interest-only mortgages, lines of credit, margin accounts, unsecured lines of credit, reverse mortgages for investors, and RRSP loans. Scott emphasizes the importance of working with the right partners and professionals to ensure success.
  • (00:00) - Introduction and Goal of the Show
  • (01:31) - Using Leverage to Grow Your Net Worth
  • (05:51) - Exploring Interest-Only Mortgages and Margin Accounts
  • (07:45) - Regular Lines of Credit and Lesser-Known Strategies
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  • There are multiple ways to use leverage to grow your net worth and purchase investments.
  • It is important to work with the correct partners and professionals when using leverage.
  • Strategies such as refinancing your home, using lines of credit, and getting a gift from a family member can be effective ways to access funds for investments.
  • Interest-only mortgages and margin accounts can provide opportunities for leveraging investments.
  • Reverse mortgages for investors and RSP loans are lesser-known strategies that can be explored.

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