Meet The Future Owners of LendCity - In 30 Years

Scott Dillingham:

Welcome to today's episode of this show. I'm super excited because today I have, a special guest that I introduce you to. His name is Isaiah. He's my son. He's also the future owner of Land City.

Scott Dillingham:

So welcome to the show, Isaiah. How's it going today? Good. So hey for Isaac. It was really interesting.

Scott Dillingham:

He came into work today to help me out. And one of my staff members brought him some gifts. So do you wanna talk about that? What did she bring me? What one rare that you've got to access awesome.

Scott Dillingham:

Yes. Have you a Charizard Pokemon card? He loves Pokemon. Isaiah, I wanted to talk today about what do at Land City and with your life and all that good stuff. What do you, when you look at Lend City today, is it anything that you would change when you become the owner?

Isaiah Dillingham:

We will have to be stairs going down to the down stairs room because I'm just a kid.

Scott Dillingham:

But still he's got the business mentality. One thing that Isaiah does is he negotiates, embarks almost every day. Actually, I'll let you tell everybody. What is it every day that you're trying to get me to buy for you? That's right.

Scott Dillingham:

And every day he has a creative way to try to convince me to buy him these Pokemon cards. So I already know he's going to be a great negotiator when he's older. Okay. So Isaiah, why don't you tell everybody one of your favorite things to do is.

Isaiah Dillingham:

Get Pokemon cards.

Scott Dillingham:

Do you like anything else besides Pokemon cards? Sure. He likes lots of brains, but I have Pokemon cards. It's bad right now. Could you tell us, Isaiah, what some of the hobbies you like to do are besides Pokemon cards?

Scott Dillingham:

Pokemon cards. What do you do with your friends?

Isaiah Dillingham:

Talk about Pokemon cards.

Scott Dillingham:

There's nothing else you do. You just live life above Pokemon cards.

Isaiah Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

Cool. So the other thing that I see does really nice is he's very thoughtful. So whenever he notices that someone is sad or upset, he does something really nice for them. Do you want to tell everybody about one of the cards made for your mom when she was sick or sad?

Isaiah Dillingham:

I'd wanna draw pictures.

Scott Dillingham:

She draws pictures. And what do you usually draw pictures of?

Isaiah Dillingham:

That's Do you feel bad?

Scott Dillingham:

That's very nice. Now if if you had to pick change your list. But if you had to pick favorite song, what would you say your favorite song would I'm blue. So you feel like I'm blue. What would you say second favorite songs?

Isaiah Dillingham:

Fox and

Scott Dillingham:

So let's talk about school for a bit. So right now with COVID, right, of online school or in person school, what do you think of online school?

Isaiah Dillingham:

I think it's terrible.

Scott Dillingham:

Terrible? Why is it terrible? But what don't you like? Can you elaborate a little bit?

Isaiah Dillingham:

We can't play with

Scott Dillingham:

but Can't play with friends. You can't even see your friends except they're on the screen. And then you also don't have that same connection with your teacher Cause it's harder with online school. But that's one of the first things you're gonna do, or you look forward to doing when you get back to school in September.

Isaiah Dillingham:

I can you for talking.

Scott Dillingham:

Besides begging me, I'm talking about school now. What are you excited about school? Is there stuff in your life? So just wanna see your friend. Cool.

Scott Dillingham:

Can you tell us about how your summer was? What you did on vacation?

Isaiah Dillingham:

Just playing with my friends and begging my dad to get me pooped.

Scott Dillingham:

Yes. Isaac Patel, he peaches me every day. He's not joking about that. But where did you go for a vacation? What did you do?

Isaiah Dillingham:

I went from Sunday, had a bath so I went to a cottage.

Scott Dillingham:

A a cottage. Yeah. What was your favorite thing to do in Niagara Falls?

Isaiah Dillingham:

Yeah. The buffet.

Scott Dillingham:

That was your favorite thing was eating at the buffet.

Isaiah Dillingham:

What was your favorite? Clarkade, it has.

Scott Dillingham:

We are a cake. Yes. And what did you win?

Isaiah Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

A big one. Right?

Isaiah Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

That was huge. They had to get the manager to get a massive hook to take it down because it was way at the top and so big.

Isaiah Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

So that was fun. Tell us with your future employment and ownership of Lendly, what do you want to, what do you want to do? Do you want to still keep it mortgages or would you have something else? A Pokemon store. And what would you have?

Scott Dillingham:

Would you have cards there? Would you play a game there? What would you do?

Isaiah Dillingham:

Challenge card 2 and b. And if I win, I get one of their Pokemon cards. Just say when I give them one of my Pokemon copy.

Scott Dillingham:

What if it picked your really rare Charizard that you got today? What would you say about that?

Isaiah Dillingham:

Right. Nope. You're not getting that. They never come back.

Scott Dillingham:

We can tell them to never come back because if they're the customer, you don't want them to never come back. So you can't say not get business. What about sports? Do you like any sports or activities like that?

Isaiah Dillingham:

Not really.

Scott Dillingham:

Would you like to race your friends? Heep. Are you really fast? How fast?

Isaiah Dillingham:

I can go speak to Wow.

Scott Dillingham:

If there was a car on the road before there was Isaiah on the road, who would win? Sure. Whatever space. Food would win at our rates. You were care.

Scott Dillingham:

Wow. You are so fast. Now and again, besides Pokemon, is there other hobbies that you like to do? Nope. I can't say that one.

Isaiah Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

kidding. Do you like to ride your bike? Isn't that something that you learned how to do is ride without training wheels? Yeah. Why don't you tell everybody the secret that we discovered on how to ride your bike when no training with us?

Isaiah Dillingham:

So you take off the

Scott Dillingham:


Isaiah Dillingham:

You take pedals, and then you'll only move with your feet and then you will get the balance.

Scott Dillingham:

That's right. So we learned that trick. It was on YouTube. What you do is you, like Kaisai said, you take off the pedals. And then when you forces you to balance yourself, right?

Scott Dillingham:

So sit on your bike seat, push with your feet and you balance yourself. Not really good at that. Actually, you put the pedals back on with the training wheels off mastered it. So that is one great for all the parents out there that are trying to get their kids to ride the bike, take off the training wheels, take off the pedals, let them sit on it and push it. And he learned really quickly.

Scott Dillingham:

Is there any final words that you would say to everybody before we leave for the break and we have your sister come back on? No no message for the world? All right. We'll be right back with his sister. All right.

Scott Dillingham:

Welcome back to the show. With me now, I have little Aubrey and she was very excited to hop on the show. She's kept coming into my office today. I think, dad, let's get this recording going. So here we are.

Scott Dillingham:

So, Aubrey, welcome. How are you today?

Aubrey Dillingham:

I'm good.

Scott Dillingham:

Awesome. So Aubrey's 9, and she loves coming into my work. So what do you like to do when you come into work?

Aubrey Dillingham:

I like hanging out with your staff, auntie Chrissy and Kayla.

Scott Dillingham:

Nice. And what do you guys do when you hang out?

Aubrey Dillingham:

We mock each other and we have fun. Another thing is that they send each other funny stuff, and sometimes

Isaiah Dillingham:

I get to pick what they do.

Scott Dillingham:


Aubrey Dillingham:

And also, I remember once we went to the store and we got these mini cans of mini bottles of pop. Okay.

Scott Dillingham:

And what'd you do with the mini bottles of pop?

Isaiah Dillingham:

I drunk it on the last sip. They made me laugh and I spit everywhere.

Scott Dillingham:

Man, that's crazy. So that's awesome. So, yeah, so she comes in. She quote unquote helps out, but it really ends up in Frank's. And the one time I came in and there was like toys behind the coffee maker and all kinds of stuff.

Scott Dillingham:

Okay. What are you stashing?

Aubrey Dillingham:

We were hiding Kayla's stuff.

Scott Dillingham:

Okay. Okay. Cool. So, Aubrey, what is it that you wanted to be when you grew up? Did you ever have any ideas?

Aubrey Dillingham:

Honestly, I honestly really want to be an actor.

Scott Dillingham:

An actor? You'd be an actress because you're female. So what type of movies would you be in?

Isaiah Dillingham:

I don't know.

Scott Dillingham:

Do you like action adventure? The love stories? What kinds?

Aubrey Dillingham:

I like Harry Potter movies.

Scott Dillingham:


Aubrey Dillingham:

I don't

Scott Dillingham:

know. So speaking of Harry Potter, so that's something she loves. And, we painted a room. We did some walls are like this teal color. Some walls are purple and all this white furniture, and it looked really nice.

Scott Dillingham:

And now she's redoing her whole room for her birthday. So why don't you tell everybody what's what you're doing in your bedroom?

Aubrey Dillingham:

Oh, we so I'm putting wallpaper on 2 walls. So this, like, 9 so it's, like, the 9 3 quarters.

Scott Dillingham:

And what does the wallpaper look like?

Aubrey Dillingham:

It looks like like a reddish brownish brick color.

Scott Dillingham:

Okay. And then 9 3 quarters, what she's speaking about there is when you watch the Harry Potter shows, how they run through the brick walls and the train station.

Isaiah Dillingham:

Yeah. That's

Scott Dillingham:

what she's talking about. She has a sign that says 9 3 quarters, but continue.

Aubrey Dillingham:

And I forgot, like, what it's called. Like, it's like this brownish reddish color. What is it called again, Dan?

Scott Dillingham:

I don't remember the color of paint.

Aubrey Dillingham:

But there we got some of some paint samples, and I'm not doing like the really dark ones. I'm I think I might do rumors. I, I like that one.

Scott Dillingham:

Yep. So she's gonna putting the brick wallpaper up in a room. So it looks like the train station. She's painting the walls like a red. So rumors is like a type of red.

Scott Dillingham:

And then she has all new Harry Potter decorations and everything she's putting up.

Isaiah Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

So it's gonna be, it's completely changed her room, but she's excited about it for sure. So let's talk a little bit about school. So I asked your brother what he thought of online school. What do you think of online school?

Aubrey Dillingham:

It sucks.

Scott Dillingham:

It sucks. What do you not like about it?

Aubrey Dillingham:

It's boring.

Scott Dillingham:

Yeah. Is it more boring online than in person? I

Aubrey Dillingham:

don't know. It's boring in general.

Scott Dillingham:

In general. Okay. So if you had to choose, choose online school or in person? Or. Or.

Scott Dillingham:

Oh, okay. So what like school's right around the corner from what we're recording this. What would you say, is the thing that you're looking forward to the most about going back to school?

Aubrey Dillingham:

You don't know.

Scott Dillingham:

You don't know? So Isaiah really wanted to see his friends.

Aubrey Dillingham:

Like, see what new teacher like, to see what, like, teacher I get because there I there's only one choice right now.

Scott Dillingham:

Okay. Okay. Cool. So what's your favorite subject in school?

Isaiah Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

Art. Art's fun. She loves to do art. Okay. So let's talk about business.

Scott Dillingham:

What would you change with Lensity currently?

Isaiah Dillingham:

Make a million kilos on antichristies.

Scott Dillingham:

Make a million kilos on antichristies. Yeah. So there'd be lots of people that worked here. Is there anything else that you would change besides cloning? Okay.

Scott Dillingham:

So because one day, you're gonna be the future owner of Land City with your brother. What would you do with it? Would you still do mortgages, or would you do something different?

Aubrey Dillingham:

I don't know. I'm I keep it in mortgages.

Scott Dillingham:

You keep it in mortgages? Would you be the manager? Would you do what your sister does? What would you do?

Aubrey Dillingham:

My sister.

Scott Dillingham:

Or my sister, auntie Chrissy.

Aubrey Dillingham:

I don't know.

Scott Dillingham:

I don't know.

Aubrey Dillingham:

I think that I would be the person delivering all of your stuff.

Scott Dillingham:

Okay. And how often would there be deliveries? Every day? Okay. I like that.

Scott Dillingham:

So, Aubrey. Yeah. One things that you've known that you've really liked to do is karate. You're really good at karate. So why don't you tell us about that?

Aubrey Dillingham:

Yesterday when I was at karate on Tuesday, he posted a picture of me like on their website. So he told me I was gonna be famous.

Scott Dillingham:

There you go. So you're on the website one day, the very next day you're recording a radio show. So I agree. I think you're gonna be famous. What is it that you like most about karate?

Aubrey Dillingham:

The colors of the belts.

Scott Dillingham:

What colors of the belts? You don't like what you learned? You don't like the

Aubrey Dillingham:

I like what I learn, but in our karate, like that, there's this one thing downstairs where, like, I showed all of the belt levels and there's no red.

Scott Dillingham:


Aubrey Dillingham:

I don't know. But there's no red.

Scott Dillingham:

Okay. Okay. At karate, do you like the working out part of things Or do you like learning the disciplines? What do you like about it specifically?

Aubrey Dillingham:

I like learning how to defend myself when, like, I'm in a bad situation. Like, I know how to I know how to if, like, they're grabbing if they're grabbing anything, like, they're grabbing if they're heavy and I had looked like I learned, like, that you put it like, that you kinda, like, slide your hand through them. Like, like, just grab their arm and yank it away.

Scott Dillingham:

Nice. That's cool.

Aubrey Dillingham:

Or anything like that. That that that's not even what we learned in karate, but that's what I seen on the or something.

Scott Dillingham:

Yeah. No worries. And she comes home and she practices the moves on me. So I randomly get judo chopped and kicked. And it's also her brother that, likes to practice those moves on me.

Scott Dillingham:

But, yeah, that's fine. So besides karate, what other fun things did you do this summer?

Aubrey Dillingham:

We went to Niagara falls and we went in this very scary Dracula thing where there was live actors in it. And Isaiah is, I can see your feet. I could see you. And the guy straight up is no, you can't.

Scott Dillingham:

That was funny. I remember that. And he's yes, I can. And the guy's, nope, you can't.

Isaiah Dillingham:

It's pretty funny.

Scott Dillingham:

And it

Aubrey Dillingham:

was, like, pitch black man

Isaiah Dillingham:

at these until get his phone flashlight out.

Scott Dillingham:

No. No. That was fun. And then when we went through that tunnel with the lights on it and it made you feel like you were dizzy.

Aubrey Dillingham:

Yeah. It made you feel like that you're about to go upside down.

Scott Dillingham:


Aubrey Dillingham:

That was in Rip Ripley. Believe it or not.

Scott Dillingham:

Yeah. That was fun. And what else did you do that was fun this summer?

Aubrey Dillingham:

We went to a cabin and we went to the beach, like the entire day on the Saturday, and we had lots of fun at the beach. Okay.

Scott Dillingham:

No. That's awesome. Now we don't have much time left. Would there be anything so, like, for Isaiah, for an example, he discovered how to ride his bike without training wheels and the pedals. And that was really cool.

Scott Dillingham:

Was there something that you learned this summer that was really cool or just in general, doesn't have to be the summer that you could share with everybody?

Aubrey Dillingham:

I learned how to like Harry Potter.

Scott Dillingham:

You learned how to like Harry Potter.

Aubrey Dillingham:

I don't know.

Scott Dillingham:

That is true. She was very scared of Harry Potter in the beginning and then she started watching it and got over it pretty quickly. So there's nothing you could think of that you learned that was really cool or

Aubrey Dillingham:

Honestly, I don't know. Actually, when we played the Harry Potter video game, I learned how to beat all of the year. Like I learned how to beat like some of the years all by myself.

Scott Dillingham:

Is true. She didn't know how to play. So I would say that was like perseverance because you sat there, you decided you wanted to learn how to do it. And now you know how to play the video game. So it was very challenging for you before.

Aubrey Dillingham:

That I have a question.

Scott Dillingham:


Aubrey Dillingham:

Why are those things green whenever we talk?

Scott Dillingham:

Because it's your voice, like it's showing which input is working for when we're making the radio show.

Aubrey Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

Thanks for tuning in today. I look forward to chatting with you next time.

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