How I Earned a $3,000,000 Client By Changing My Life

Scott Dillingham:

Welcome back to the Wisdom Lifestyle Money Show. Today I'm going to talk to you about how I earned a $3,000,000 client. Now that might sound funny. And I didn't make $3,000,000 off of him. It was a $3,000,000 mortgage, but I earned him with my answer.

Scott Dillingham:

And the answer that I gave to him though has completely changed my life. So I'm going to share the behind the scenes, what that answer is, what it means, what I do and how it will help you to improve your life. And maybe you'll get your $3,000,000 client. I had this client, he was looking around for a mortgage and he told me I was like the 7th person he spoke to. And he's building a $3,000,000 home, which is obviously a substantial home.

Scott Dillingham:

Now mind you, keep in mind, this is about 3 years ago. So now it's probably a $6,000,000 home, because of the the values of everything. So just to give you some retrospect there. But yeah. So it was about 3,000,000.

Scott Dillingham:

And he he goes to me and he's I've spoken to all these other brokers and lenders. Why should I choose you to build my $3,000,000 mortgage? And I was shocked because I wasn't expecting that question really quickly in my head, almost like when, you're about to be in a car accident, how you see everything in slow motion. It was like that I had all these thoughts going through my head, but it was all in a split second. And, I was thinking I could talk about how we have some of the best rates.

Scott Dillingham:

I can talk about, the good service I do and all these other things. I, s going over everything. And the answer that came to my head was because I exercise. And it even shocked me that this came out and I'm like thinking back at it. I'm like, I can't believe that was my answer, but he stopped and he was like, he paused and he was curious and he's like, what do you mean?

Scott Dillingham:

Because you exercise. And I explained to him that maybe a year ago at the time, so 4 years ago now, but when I was speaking to him, it was a year ago. I'm like, I was always tired. I didn't enjoy what I was doing. So I needed to change the bank I was working at to opening my own mortgage office, but I just, I wasn't healthy.

Scott Dillingham:

I sat down all day and I explained to him that I discovered how exercise changed my life, improved my weight. So my weight went down. I look better. I have a lot more energy and healthier. My brain is crisper.

Scott Dillingham:

I can think better. And what that translates to in my business, and I explained how now my memory is so much better. I'm happier overall, and that happiness translates into better service. I just went into it and I kept going on. It was about 2 2 minutes of describing this to him and how because of exercising, it changed my life so I can be better to help him with his mortgage.

Scott Dillingham:

And that sold him. He he moved forward with me and got the mortgage with me. And I looked back at it, and I'm like, that's really impressive because you wouldn't think an answer like that would win somebody over. But when you really look at the core of what exercise can do to you as a person, the benefits are huge. I'm not a a health fitness instructor.

Scott Dillingham:

I have no education in this. So I'm gonna talk about this for a little bit, but just know this is from my own experiences. Everybody's got a different body and everybody has to follow different nutrition guidelines. But one of the first things that I did when I knew I wanted to be healthy was I just started off with a multivitamin. Now I would not recommend because I tried a whole bunch of them.

Scott Dillingham:

The processed ones, I don't really recommend. I recommend something organic. And the reason for that is they use real ingredients that are not processed. And, I had a bit of stomach issues with, some of the processed ones. But once I went to the organic vitamins, it completely it improved me.

Scott Dillingham:

And I would say not only did I feel healthier, but it gave me more of a passion and a drive to improve. Cause you could feel the goodness going into you when you take these really good vitamins. So that's the very first thing I did is I decided one day, you know what? I'm a bit overweight. I'm not happy with how I look.

Scott Dillingham:

I want to have more energy, going up a flight of stairs. I don't wanna be panting, and I'm going up them slowly. I wanna run up them. Then taking the vitamins gave me the inspiration to move forward. And then what I did is I started to run.

Scott Dillingham:

Now it's super important that when you have a fitness goal and this doesn't matter what level of fitness you're at. Do not set big goals. I'm going to work out every day for an hour. I'm going to do all this stuff. It really doesn't work.

Scott Dillingham:

And what will happen is you'll get into it. Maybe you'll do it for a couple of days, but then you're going to discover that it's very hard to maintain that deep intensity workouts day after day. Obviously you have to have rest days in there, but you're gonna find you quickly lack motivation because it's extremely hard. So my suggestion to anybody who's been considering working out is go just a little bit. Do that little bit of a workout.

Scott Dillingham:

I feel really bad because I forget the the book that I read. But I read this book and the guy said that he lacks so much motivation to work out. And he runs as well that all he does is when he wakes up in the morning, you can do your workouts whenever you want. Some people like in the morning. I do mine at night after I put the kids to bed.

Scott Dillingham:

Everybody's a little different. But he said, instead of saying, I want to run 5 kilometers today, because that was his real goal. He just said to himself, I'm going to run or do a light jog past 5 of my neighbor's houses. So that was his actual short target. The big targets of 5 ks, but he set that target.

Scott Dillingham:

You know what? If I don't do the 5 k, let me just run the length of 5 or 6 houses first. And if I really decide that I don't wanna do this anymore, I'm going to turn back around. So what got happening is once he got to that 5th or 6th house, his heart rate started to increase. Once that blood gets flowing and you raise that heartbeat, it actually feels really good.

Scott Dillingham:

So once that happened to him, he had that motivation to do the 5 k. But when he first put on his running shoes, he had no motivation to run the 5 k. He just only had enough motivation that he said I'm gonna run 5 houses. That is what I do encourage anybody who wants to get started into exercise. And that's the mindset that I took too, is just get started.

Scott Dillingham:

Do that little bit, the tiniest movement. If you're moving in the right direction, it'll build on and you'll move and improve it as you go. Now it's also proven that a habit, whatever it is that you want a habit to be, you need to have this habit completed every day for 60 days, and then becomes hardwired into you. Right? That's why so many people drive to work and they don't really know how they got there.

Scott Dillingham:

It's because they do it so many times that your body does this on autopilot. So if you make something a habit in your life, then you're gonna wanna do it all the time, and it's just routine. So I do encourage you in the very, very beginning to do really light exercises, even if it feels like you're not working out. What helped me was just getting that routine and knowing that I needed 60 days to make it a part of my life and something that I would remember to do and all the time. So I needed to do 60 days.

Scott Dillingham:

So I needed to make my 60 days easy so I didn't give up. So I just did a very short speed. It was probably the speed of walking, but I was doing the jogging motion. And that's how I got started. Now in the very beginning for me, I had a bit of any injuries.

Scott Dillingham:

I had shin splints and sore ankles and my knees hurt, but I made sure that I didn't overdo it, that I did things very little at a time till it became routine. And what naturally happened to me, and this is where everybody's different. Okay? Choose your exercises wisely and don't necessarily follow this. But for me, I kept pushing forward and right.

Scott Dillingham:

So I'm in my low 30 at the time when I'm starting these exercises. And what I've noticed now is my bone density from doing these workouts is so good that I have no pain, no injuries from doing a jog, or if I do run and it'll be about 5 k that I run. There is no injuries. Now I have to take a quick pause, but when I come back, I'm gonna continue some of the things you could do to get started in exercising. I'm also gonna dive into some of the benefits that a lot of people don't realize, but that you will receive from being more actively fit.

Scott Dillingham:

We'll come back. So before the break, I spoke about how I ran and I started off and I followed the author's advice and I'm so sorry. I feel so bad that I forget this author because it was a great book and I'm sure you'd love it. But he ran 5 or 6 houses first. That was his motivation.

Scott Dillingham:

There's also the saying, how you eat an elephant, and it's it's one bite at a time. That's how you eat an elephant. So the same thing with your workout. Now I chose running. You can do anything There's rowing machines.

Scott Dillingham:

Right? There's bikes that, that you can ride indoors. Anything that you want to get started off on, I would do it, but I would do it for a short amount of time. I would not try to target those long workouts because you are going to overdo it in the beginning. Then you're going to lose motivation.

Scott Dillingham:

That's what happens is if you overdo it, you lose that motivation. So now that I've been working out consistently for 3 to 4 years on my end now, I want to push it harder because what happens is this, is when you exercise and your heart rate goes, it might be different per person, but the average is between 110 beats per minute to 130 to 140 beats per minute. That's the fat burning zone. So if your goal is to be more fit and to lose weight, you need to maintain that heart rate. What I've read online and, fitness instructors I I've spoken to, they said a lot of people do not when they walk to walk around the block or whatever.

Scott Dillingham:

If your heart rate is not elevated, you may not actually be doing much to your body. It might not change. You could just be burning calories from the meal that you ate and nothing is changing for your body. So you've got to be in that heart rate zone and you have lots of benefits in that zone. Right?

Scott Dillingham:

So you're gonna get the fat burning ability. You're going to have better cardiovascular strength, right? Your veins are going to strengthen. Your heart's going to strengthen because it's not a fast beats per minute where you really, start panting. In fact, when I am jogging in the, fat rate zone or fat burning zone, I could actually breathe through my nose.

Scott Dillingham:

I I don't have to open my mouth for air. I can still do it all on through my nose. So it's not super intensive, but you're in that zone. What also happens is cortisol is known as the stress hormone. And when you get your heart elevated into the fat burning zone, at least your body will release endorphins, which will naturally cancel out the cortisol stress hormone.

Scott Dillingham:

So if I never really stressed a bad day, like whatever the case may be, I will literally just exercise and it completely turns my mood around. So you have a switch, you have the ability as a human to make yourself happier on demand by doing a brisk workout. So it's really cool. So definitely start off with something that's easy that you can do. I might even recommend 10 minutes.

Scott Dillingham:

That is something that I do to this day is no matter how busy I am, no matter what's going on, I've got to at least do a workout for 10 minutes. And what I find with 10 minutes is it doesn't really strain you. So it's not like you need a rest period because you're only doing this for 10 minutes. The muscle that, that you work out is not going to be completely dead the next day. So I found a combination of using, for my 10 minutes, I've got, an exercise machine, which has a horizontal bar with a seat on it that goes back and forward.

Scott Dillingham:

So I hook up all the weights and I do a leg press. So there's a bar at the back. I put my legs on it and then I there's a belt that goes around me and I sit on the seat that moves forward and backwards and I kick off with my legs. So it's like I'm rowing, but I'm doing it with my legs. I could put a bar instead and use my arms for that, but I don't.

Scott Dillingham:

I do something different. So I use the leg press at a rowing technique. So I'm getting half of the rowing exercise down, and then I take some small dumbbells and I curl. So each push back, I curl up and I flex when I get to the top of the curl, just to give it that little bit of extra push for your workout. Doing that in 10 minutes.

Scott Dillingham:

It really gives me a nice workout. It's super quick. So it doesn't matter how busy you are. You can get this done. It's 10 minutes.

Scott Dillingham:

And I found this to be the best workout for me, even when I couldn't go to the gym or do those long 5 ks runs. And I want to still lose weight and maintain a high metabolism. Doing this quick, easy 10 minutes, it doesn't overdo it, but I feel the benefits all day long. So you really don't need much time. Now after the 60 days, though, once it becomes routine that you wanna work out, this is where you start to increase the intensity.

Scott Dillingham:

Because after the 60 days, you will actually working out. You'll feel the benefits. When there's a day, there's actually not a day that I miss. It's super rare, but let's say I do miss working out. I actually feel it.

Scott Dillingham:

And I feel like I'm more agitated those days And, things upset me or piss me off earlier and easier. If I'm working out, I'm a really laid back person, so I don't get stressed out or upset very easily. It's mainly because of, working out. But yeah, so back to the 60 days. So once you pass that, you're going to want to increase the intensity because now your body is, used to being a little bit more active.

Scott Dillingham:

You have more confidence in your workout abilities, you know, where you are, and then you can start pushing it to the next level. So I would go to maybe a half an hour workout. Now, if you're somebody that doesn't want to go to the gym for COVID or you're not able to go to the gym for whatever other reasons, there's programs online that you can just, you can search. I don't want to solicit any on here because that's not what this is about, but you could just Google, like, online workout classes when you can find them. And they have complete body workouts with just your body weight.

Scott Dillingham:

You can use an ottoman, like all these things that you have at home. So you really don't need a gym membership to get a good workout. But I would try to make your workouts from the initial, maybe 10 minutes, something nice and easy to, to half an hour at this point. Now, if you're going to work out for half an hour and you're going to do a lot more, physical, getting into pushups and sit ups and, squats and those types of things, you're going to need rest days. So you can't work out every day.

Scott Dillingham:

So you've got to find that light workout that you like to do just to keep your heart rate up and get the good benefits of working out. So you gotta do those light workouts on those rest days. I never have a fully rest day. And again, speak to a fitness instructor or a doctor first before you follow this advice. I'm just explaining from what I learned and researched and what I spoke to.

Scott Dillingham:

And whenever I do dive into something, I check all angles and try to research as much as I can. So I'm not someone who just I'll read one article and that's it. I know everything. I'm not like that. I heavily research, but still I'm not a fitness instructor, coach, teacher, none of that.

Scott Dillingham:

Check that out. But for me, it works well-to-do something very light and easy on my rest days. And then the other days you work out lift weights, run, whatever it is that you want to do. Now, another really cool thing with working out is naturally. You may have the, you may have the impression of looking at the scale and seeing if you're losing that weight.

Scott Dillingham:

And I encourage you not to, you're gonna be gaining muscle mass, which weighs more than fat. So your number on the scale may not be going down. So what I encourage you to do is to measure yourself every couple of weeks. So you can actually see the size shrinking down. You'll start to notice you fit into clothes that were too tight before, even if your weight is the same.

Scott Dillingham:

And a lot of people, they look at that scale and they'll get discouraged if the number's not going down, but you have to realize you're burning fat and gaining muscle. Your weight could actually increase, but overall you're getting smaller. So I wouldn't truly look at that scale number. I know we're stuck on that as a society, but don't look at it as what does my body look like? What is my body doing?

Scott Dillingham:

And by starting off small, like I said, the first 10 minutes going to half an hour, and then if you're really into it, go for an hour. You will see that you change everything in your life gets better. Your relationships with people get better. You have more confidence. You're happier.

Scott Dillingham:

People get better. You have more confidence. You're happier. You have more energy. I even sleep better than I'm taking those organic vitamins.

Scott Dillingham:

So I'm getting everything that my body needs if I can't fulfill it with my diet. I've also discovered that I can eat more foods now. Before I could eat foods and I would feel like I was getting gain weight and getting bloated and but now that I have all these extra calories that I burn actually does allow me to eat more foods, which I love to do because with my line of business, doing mortgages and meeting with realtors and clients and stuff and doing lunches and dinners, I eat out a lot. So this, because I work out so much, I can afford to do that now. Where before when I would eat out, you could see it growing on your hips.

Scott Dillingham:

Right? So it's it gives you a lot more flexibilities in life and you really will feel better. You're gonna perform better at work. It's crazy to believe how just a little bit of exercise will improve your life. So I hope the advice I've shared today helps.

Scott Dillingham:

Again, I always recommend you speak to your doctor about this because I'm not licensed to speak about this stuff. But from my experience, this is what I went through, the things that I did, and it's been an incredible journey. And I hope it is for you too. Looking forward to chatting with you next time.

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